...The hypothesis of the constancy of the so-called constants of physics was first challenged by Milne [15]. Then others authors : P.A.Dirac [16 and 17], F.Hoyle and J.V.Narlikar [18] , V.Canuto and J.Lodenquai [19], T.C.Van Flandern [20], V.Canuto and S.H.Hsieh [20], A.Julg [21], developped ideas mainly based on the variation of G. Time-dependent G has also considered by Brans and Dicke [22] ; time dependent e by Ratra [23]. Guth [24], Sugiyama and Sato [25] and Yoshii and Sato [26] considered a time-variable cosmological constant. In general these approach focus on the variation of a certain number of "constants", not of all the constants, in a combined fashion, as developped is the present paper. H.Reeves [27] studied the impact of the separate variation of the constants, one after they other. V.S.Troistkii [28] first suggested in 1987 the possible variation of c, and, in general, of all the "constants", but, after choosing a leading parameter he just triedy to adjust the different exponents, associated to a priori polynomial empiric laws, to fit with observational features.
...In the present paper we are going to build a cosmological where all the "constants" vary conjointly. This will be made consistent with the field equation (1). We are going to search laws that let the equations of physics invariant, so that these variations cannot be evidenced in local lab's experiments. These equations are the following :
The Schrödinger equation :
The Boltzmann equation :
where f is the distribution function of the velocity v , r = (x,y,z), t the time, (g, a, w) the classical impact parameters of a binary collison.
The (new) Poisson equation for gravitation (see fererence [1]) is :
r is the mass density in our fold of the Universe and r* the mass-density in the twin fold.
The (new) field equation
where :
is the Einstein constant, G the "constant" of gravity and c the velocity of the light.
The Maxwell equations are :
E and B are respectively the electric and magnetic fields. We consider the Maxwell equation for a neutral medium, for we assume that the Universe is electrically neutral. These equations are not all independent. For and example the Poisson equation, for gravitation (32) , comes from the field equation (33), see [1].
...Introducing a characteritic length R and a characteristic time T we can write these characteristic equations into an adimensional form :
The Schrödinger equation (30), with :
becomes :
The Boltzmann equation (31), with :
becomes :
The Poisson equation for the gravitational potential (32) , with :
becomes :
The Maxwell equations (35), (36), (37), (38) , with :
(50) (ga3256)
where e is the electric charge (we assume that the number of electric charges is conserved) become :
In these equations we find a certain number of physical constants :