What about the Titus-Bode law ?
From the above theretical result
Souriau builds immediatly a "golden law" :
Next, the golden law and the Titus-Bode law are compared, the latter corresponding to :
If we consider its rotation period, the Sun follows this law. The interpretation is the follwing: Souriau supposes that all the system is shaped by dissipative processes, due to tidal effects.
Then he applies his method to the
satellites of Saturn :
The two typical peaks apper again.
Selecting these two lines, Souriau builds the reciprocal Fourier transforms.
The result is given on figure 7. Notice that the Sun "behaves like a satellite
of Saturn".
By the way the rings of Saturn fit
very well the golden law.
Similar results, for the set of Jupiter'
Notice the presence of the Sun,
considered as "a satellite of Jupiter".