...Assuming the two universes to be isotropic and homogeneous, the metrics, in spherical coordinates, are :
...These two metrics are expressed in the coordinates
systems of their own fold. k and k* are the curvature indices.
Introduce adimensional
proper times :
and adimensional scale
factors :
R = cT R
R* = c*T* R*
the metrics become :
where the spatial parts is :
Similarly we can put the
field equation system into an adimensional form :
i.e :
where the subscript r refers to radiation and the subscript m to matter.
c (Einstein constant) --> - 8 p
R ---> R
R* ---> R*
r = ro w
r* = r*o w*
p = po p
p* = p*o p*
In the matter era we have
and the field equations system becomes :
The tensors are written in their adimensional forms :
were (w , w*) are adimensional matter-densities and (p , p*) adimensional matter pressures, all positive. We get the following system of four differential equations :
...If we assume the thermal velocities, in both folds, to be negligible with respect to the velocity of the light, the pressures can be neglected (dust universes). In a first step, when discoupling has just occured, we have w = w* the system becomes: