2) The origin of the Newton law and Poisson equation.
The Newton law is an hypothesis, a principle. It works. Proof : we can compute the trajectories of the planets, quite well, and send satellites at large distances, with a sharp precision.
The Einstein field equation is
an hypothesis, a principle.
It works. Proof : We can compute
the displacement of the perihely of a mass, a satellite orbiting in the field
created by a heavier mass. If we would live close to a neutron star and if
this object had a companion, we should observe the path shown on figure 4.
The measurement would confirm
the theory, as we do for the case of Mercury. By
the way, this phenomena is compatible with the matter ghost matter model.
S* = c (T* - T)
We are supposed to live in a region
of the universe where matter dominates ( T*
<< T ) , so that the
field equations system becomes :
When Einstein introduced the new
concept of field equation one checked if such formalism was compatible to
the Newton law. Classically one considers the metric as close to one describing
an homogeneous medium (r = constant). Then a mass concentration is considered
as a small perturbation :
g = go + e g
refers to this constant density
medium. e
being a small parameter,
the second term e g
represents the pertubation. The
second member of the field equation is assimilated to :
But, and this is very important,
the two terms go
and e
g are
chosen time-independent. Then one computes the left hand of (7) through
the expansion into a series (12) and find :
which can be written
and is identified to Poisson equation, through :
From this we also define the gravitational potential :
being one of the metric potentials.
But all this is performed
is steady state conditions. We need it to define the first order term go
, chosen lorentzian :
This a good approximation if we deal with :
Where is the gravitational potential Y , for such infinite medium, with mass density constant over space ? No where. It does not exist and we cannot define such scalar quantity.
Then, for an infinite constant density medium, whatever is is constant in time (that should not be physical) or time-dependant (Friedmann) the Poisson equation becomes a pure theoretical phantasm. It simply does not exist. It has no physical meaning. We cannot invoke it
Then, how is the gravitational filed around an arbitrarly chosen point in space ? Our answer : zero.
The reader will say : What about the screen effect in electrostatic ?
Can you deal with an infinite, constant electric charge density re medium ? Not physical. Such a medium should expand immediatly, at tremendous velocity, if the charge density departs significantly from equilibrium (n + = n - ).
Another reader will argue :
- In 1934 Milne and Mc Crea refound the Friedmann equation, just starting from Euler and Poisson equations.
What does it means ? Simply that the collapse, or expansion of a dust (zero pressure) ball obeys the same equation that a constant density universe, corresponding to Friedmann model. Nothing else.