...In 1916 Eddington derived a spherically symmetric steady-state solution, combining the Vlasov and the Poisson equations. He assumed that the ellipsoid of the velocities was spherically symmetric and pointed towards the center of the system.
Eddington derived the following relation between the mass density and the gravitational potential
which represents a steady-state distribution of matter in a collision-free gas, in a gravitational potential Y, in which the gravitational force balances the pressure force. Let us take the same kind of a solution for the antipodal region
So that we have to solve the following equation
Introduce the following adimensional quantities :
We get
which can be solved by numerical computation. We can take the following initial conditions
j'o = 0
j"o = 10
Figure 2 : Spherically symmetric Eddington-type solution. The gravitational potential
Figure 3 : Spherically symmetric Eddington-type solution. Mass densities. If a cluster exists in one fold, an associated diffuse halo exists in the conjugated region of the second fold.